Club Information
Welcome to The Rotary Club of Saline Michigan!

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 12:00 p.m.
American Legion Post 322
320 W. Michigan Ave.
Saline, MI 48176
United States of America
The Rotary Club of Saline meets at the American Legion Post 322
Home Page Stories
Meal Packing for Hope Clinic
During a recent noon meeting of the Saline Rotary Club, Rotarians packed meals for donation to the Hope Clinic in Ypsilanti, MI. Hope serves a hot meal in carry-out containers six nights a week, but many folks struggle in-between those meals. To help with this issue, Hope gives out sack meals to those who need them during mealtimes. These sack meals are small brown bags with shelf-stable food items like pop-top ravioli, granola bars, fruit cups, juice boxes, etc. Hope gives out around 600 lunch bags a week, so this is a consistent need.
The club packed 54 meals of tuna, trail mix, applesauce, juice boxes, and cookies. This meal packing event was an fun way for club members to enjoy the lunch break while also assisting members of the community. We are thankful to the Hope Clinic for distributing these meals to those in need.
Saline Rotary Club Gives to Preemie Pals
The Saline Rotary Club visited a Preemie Pals event at the Saline American Legion and presented them with a check for $150. This donation was planned for a wholesale purchase of a roll of quilt batting. At a recent meeting of the Rotary Club, representatives from Preemie Pals presented a wonderful overview of their work and mentioned that batting is one of the few quilt components that are not donated.
Preemie Pals aims to provide care and support to families that are experiencing a medical crisis. Their project seeks to comfort and uplift families facing a serious crisis with their child with the donation of a free quilt. On a practical level the quilts help darken the isolette and muffle the sounds of the NICU unit. It is often shared that the quilts lift the spirits of the family with their cheerful colors and fun themes. Many of the Preemie volunteers have experienced having a child in the NICU and understand the stresses the families are going through.
Todd Mercer President of the Rotary Club of Saline, Julie Dunbar from  the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor West,  Irysha and Chase, Co-Presidents of the Interact Club of Saline, participated in the Rotary Clubs of Ann Arbor "Send Hunger Packing" event at Pioneer High School on Saturday, November 16
Members of the Rotary Club of Saline; David Blough, Jim Datson, Bob Bykowski, Todd Mercer and Todd Lands helped out with the World Mobility Project.
The Rotary Club of Saline awarded four $1500 scholarships to graduations high school seniors this year.  From left to right:  Kendal Mickey - Career Technical Scholarship,  Truman Johnson - Alwin Gross/Howard Johnson Scholarship, Peyton Klein - Career Technical Scholarship,  Nora McGillicuddy - Paul Thibault Academic Scholarship.  Congratulations to our scholarship recipients.
David Goodman transfers from the Rotary Club of Findley, Ohio to the Rotary Club of Saline.
His daughter Christine Held, a member of The Rotary Club of Saline presented with him with his new club pin.
Long time member of the Rotary Club of Saline and community leader Paul Thibault drew the winning ticket for a one week vacation at Massanutten resort in the heart of Virginia's Shenandoah Valley,  The drawing took place at 1:30 pm at the Saline American Legion.
  Club President, Todd Lands and Club Treasurer, Al Hodge certified the drawing and informed the winner.
Members of The Rotary Club of Saline and Members of the Saline High School Rotaract Club did their semi-annual Maple Road clean up Saturday.
Fortunately the there was a break in the weather long enough to get the job done.
He's built a temporary online store where you can place your order for your choice of item/color/size, pay for the items directly but still receive the bulk order pricing.   When the store closes 11/27/2023 they will start production on everyone's orders together.
Here is the link to the items  Home | Saline Rotary (
The Rotary Club of Saline celebrated Presidents Night to commemorate the peaceful transition of the office of president of the club from Al Hodges to Todd Lands.   Thanks to Monica Van Overmeer for hosting the party.
Leslie Hughes won the Saline Rotary Vacation Raffle.
Today (June 15 2023) at Saline Rotary we welcomed Gross-Johnson Agribusiness Scholarship Recipient Iki Kok and her mom, Karin.
Also in the photo are Al Hodge, Saline Rotary President and Jim Datson the Scholarship Committee Chair.

Other scholarship recipients who could not attend were Katya Bell and Andreanna Ulery.

Saline Rotary gives out three $1,500 scholarships each year to SHS graduates.
The Rotary Club of Saline hosted the Saline Boy Scout Troop 446 at todays Thursday luncheon and contributed $1,000 to their troop.
The Rotary Club of Saline teamed up with The Mullick Foundation and Meijer to provide a Christmas shopping spree for 457 kids Saturday Dec 10,
The Rotary Club of Saline inducted two new Corporate Memberships from The Evangelical Homes of Michigan (EHM), at our Thursday meeting in our new venue in The American Legion of Saline.  From left to right is Rotarian Monica VanOvermeer, EHM Kelly Robertson, EHM Matt Brown and Rotarian David Friese.
Pictured are some of the Rotary Club of Saline crew as well as members and leaders of Boy Scout Troop 446, Saline, Michigan, who are sponsored by the Club.  The group picked up litter along a two mile stretch of Maple Road from Textile Road to Ellsworth Road, one of the gateways to Saline, on April 23, 2021.  The club has now completed its third clean-up of the 2021/2022 Rotary fiscal year under the auspices of the Washtenaw County Road Commission Adopt-A-Road program!
 At its April 14, 2022 33rd Annual Saline Salutes awards ceremony and dinner, the Saline Area Chamber of Commerce awarded Monica Van Overmeer its Citizen of the Year Award.  Eleven Rotary Club of Saline members attended the ceremony and dinner in support of Monica.
  • Pictured (from left to right) Jim Datson, David Blough, Jill Durnen, Monica Van Overmeer, Todd Lands, Janet Dillon, Steve Laatsch, Tiffany Fitzpatrick and Karen Shellie.  Attendees not pictured Angi Petraszko and Ells Stout
The full story can be seen by clicking the link below:
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Past President
Club Administration
Service Projects