From the left: Brenda "Wo wo" Tipton (District Governor 6380), Tiffany Fitzpatrick, Christine Held, Jill Durnen, Monica Van Overmeer, Becky Pazkowsky, Janet Dillon.
President Jim Datson gave our club a very informative presentation on the history of women in Rotary. Six of our lady past presidents were in attendance; Jill Durnen, (2001-2002, 2007-2008), Christine Held (2004-2005, 2005-2006), Becky Pazkowsky, (2009-2010), Tiffany Fitzpatrick (2018-2019), Monica Van Overmeer (2020-2021) and Janet Dillon (2019-2020). Absent were Judy Cook (1994-1995) deceased, and Sandra Nadig (1997-1998).