Preemie Pals Gift

Saline Rotary Club Gives to Preemie Pals
The Saline Rotary Club visited a Preemie Pals event at the Saline American Legion and presented them with a check for $150. This donation was planned for a wholesale purchase of a roll of quilt batting. At a recent meeting of the Rotary Club, representatives from Preemie Pals presented a wonderful overview of their work and mentioned that batting is one of the few quilt components that are not donated.
Preemie Pals aims to provide care and support to families that are experiencing a medical crisis. Their project seeks to comfort and uplift families facing a serious crisis with their child with the donation of a free quilt. On a practical level the quilts help darken the isolette and muffle the sounds of the NICU unit. It is often shared that the quilts lift the spirits of the family with their cheerful colors and fun themes. Many of the Preemie volunteers have experienced having a child in the NICU and understand the stresses the families are going through.
Preemie Pals Gift 2025-01-18 05:00:00Z 0

Hope Meal Packing Event

Meal Packing for Hope Clinic
During a recent noon meeting of the Saline Rotary Club, Rotarians packed meals for donation to the Hope Clinic in Ypsilanti, MI. Hope serves a hot meal in carry-out containers six nights a week, but many folks struggle in-between those meals. To help with this issue, Hope gives out sack meals to those who need them during mealtimes. These sack meals are small brown bags with shelf-stable food items like pop-top ravioli, granola bars, fruit cups, juice boxes, etc. Hope gives out around 600 lunch bags a week, so this is a consistent need.
The club packed 54 meals of tuna, trail mix, applesauce, juice boxes, and cookies. This meal packing event was an fun way for club members to enjoy the lunch break while also assisting members of the community. We are thankful to the Hope Clinic for distributing these meals to those in need.
Hope Meal Packing Event  2025-01-18 05:00:00Z 0

A2 Send Hunger Packing event

Todd Mercer President of the Rotary Club of Saline, Julie Dunbar from  the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor West,  Irysha and Chase, Co-Presidents of the Interact Club of Saline, participated in the Rotary Clubs of Ann Arbor "Send Hunger Packing" event at Pioneer High School on Saturday, November 16
A2 Send Hunger Packing event 2024-11-21 05:00:00Z 0
Vacation Raffle 2024-11-02 04:00:00Z 0
Boo Bash 24 2024-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

World Mobility Project

Members of the Rotary Club of Saline; David Blough, Jim Datson, Bob Bykowski, Todd Mercer and Todd Lands helped out with the World Mobility Project.
World Mobility Project 2024-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

2024 Scholarship Awards

The Rotary Club of Saline awarded four $1500 scholarships to graduations high school seniors this year.  From left to right:  Kendal Mickey - Career Technical Scholarship,  Truman Johnson - Alwin Gross/Howard Johnson Scholarship, Peyton Klein - Career Technical Scholarship,  Nora McGillicuddy - Paul Thibault Academic Scholarship.  Congratulations to our scholarship recipients.
2024 Scholarship Awards 2024-06-13 04:00:00Z 0

New Member Transfers to Saline Rotary

David Goodman transfers from the Rotary Club of Findley, Ohio to the Rotary Club of Saline.
His daughter Christine Held, a member of The Rotary Club of Saline presented with him with his new club pin.
New Member Transfers to Saline Rotary 2024-05-23 04:00:00Z 0

Vacation Raffle Drawing Winner

Long time member of the Rotary Club of Saline and community leader Paul Thibault drew the winning ticket for a one week vacation at Massanutten resort in the heart of Virginia's Shenandoah Valley,  The drawing took place at 1:30 pm at the Saline American Legion.
  Club President, Todd Lands and Club Treasurer, Al Hodge certified the drawing and informed the winner.
Vacation Raffle Drawing Winner 2024-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

Maple Road Clean Up

Members of The Rotary Club of Saline and Members of the Saline High School Rotaract Club did their semi-annual Maple Road clean up Saturday.
Fortunately the there was a break in the weather long enough to get the job done.
Maple Road Clean Up Ken Despain 2024-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Cloths Store

He's built a temporary online store where you can place your order for your choice of item/color/size, pay for the items directly but still receive the bulk order pricing.   When the store closes 11/27/2023 they will start production on everyone's orders together.
Here is the link to the items  Home | Saline Rotary (
Rotary Cloths Store 2023-11-09 05:00:00Z 0
Vacation Raffle Ken Despain 2023-11-05 04:00:00Z 0
Saline Rotary Maple Road Cleanup 2023-08-13 04:00:00Z 0

Presidents Night 2023

The Rotary Club of Saline celebrated Presidents Night to commemorate the peaceful transition of the office of president of the club from Al Hodges to Todd Lands.   Thanks to Monica Van Overmeer for hosting the party.
Presidents Night 2023 2023-07-08 04:00:00Z 0

2023 Scholarship Award

Today (June 15 2023) at Saline Rotary we welcomed Gross-Johnson Agribusiness Scholarship Recipient Iki Kok and her mom, Karin.
Also in the photo are Al Hodge, Saline Rotary President and Jim Datson the Scholarship Committee Chair.

Other scholarship recipients who could not attend were Katya Bell and Andreanna Ulery.

Saline Rotary gives out three $1,500 scholarships each year to SHS graduates.
2023 Scholarship Award 2023-06-17 04:00:00Z 0

Raffle Winner

Leslie Hughes won the Saline Rotary Vacation Raffle.
Raffle Winner Ken Despain 2023-06-01 04:00:00Z 0
Kids Coalition Against Hunger 2023-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Boy Scout Troop 446 Donation

The Rotary Club of Saline hosted the Saline Boy Scout Troop 446 at todays Thursday luncheon and contributed $1,000 to their troop.
Boy Scout Troop 446 Donation 2023-01-05 05:00:00Z 0

Mullick Challenge 2022

The Rotary Club of Saline teamed up with The Mullick Foundation and Meijer to provide a Christmas shopping spree for 457 kids Saturday Dec 10,
Mullick Challenge 2022 Ken Despain 2022-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

EHM Corporate Membership induction

The Rotary Club of Saline inducted two new Corporate Memberships from The Evangelical Homes of Michigan (EHM), at our Thursday meeting in our new venue in The American Legion of Saline.  From left to right is Rotarian Monica VanOvermeer, EHM Kelly Robertson, EHM Matt Brown and Rotarian David Friese.
EHM Corporate Membership induction Ken Despain 2022-12-09 05:00:00Z 0
Meeting @ The Pavillion Lynn Thomas-Perry 2022-06-09 04:00:00Z 0
Go Fund Me Flyer Ken Despain 2022-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Saline Maple Road Spring Clean-up.

Posted by Jim Datson
Pictured are some of the Rotary Club of Saline crew as well as members and leaders of Boy Scout Troop 446, Saline, Michigan, who are sponsored by the Club.  The group picked up litter along a two mile stretch of Maple Road from Textile Road to Ellsworth Road, one of the gateways to Saline, on April 23, 2021.  The club has now completed its third clean-up of the 2021/2022 Rotary fiscal year under the auspices of the Washtenaw County Road Commission Adopt-A-Road program!
Rotary Club of Saline Maple Road Spring Clean-up. Jim Datson 2022-04-25 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Saline Inducts David Raft Jim Datson 2022-04-25 04:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Club of Saline Joins the Saline Parks & Recreation's Springfest Hippity Hop Trail. 2022-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

Monica Van Overmeer, Immediate Past President, Rotary Club of Saline Receives Saline Citizen of the Year Award.

 At its April 14, 2022 33rd Annual Saline Salutes awards ceremony and dinner, the Saline Area Chamber of Commerce awarded Monica Van Overmeer its Citizen of the Year Award.  Eleven Rotary Club of Saline members attended the ceremony and dinner in support of Monica.
  • Pictured (from left to right) Jim Datson, David Blough, Jill Durnen, Monica Van Overmeer, Todd Lands, Janet Dillon, Steve Laatsch, Tiffany Fitzpatrick and Karen Shellie.  Attendees not pictured Angi Petraszko and Ells Stout
The full story can be seen by clicking the link below:
Monica Van Overmeer, Immediate Past President, Rotary Club of Saline Receives Saline Citizen of the Year Award. 2022-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

Women in Rotary

From the left: Brenda "Wo wo" Tipton (District Governor 6380), Tiffany Fitzpatrick, Christine Held, Jill Durnen, Monica Van Overmeer, Becky Pazkowsky, Janet Dillon.
President Jim Datson gave our club a very informative presentation on the history of women in Rotary.  Six of our lady past presidents were in attendance; Jill Durnen, (2001-2002, 2007-2008), Christine Held (2004-2005, 2005-2006), Becky Pazkowsky, (2009-2010), Tiffany Fitzpatrick (2018-2019), Monica Van Overmeer (2020-2021) and Janet Dillon (2019-2020).  Absent were Judy Cook (1994-1995) deceased, and Sandra Nadig (1997-1998).
Women in Rotary 2022-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

Elenors sweets

Karen Tadd of Eleanor's Sweets and Sodas gave our club a presentation about their business.  A good old fashion candy store and soda fountain.
Elenors sweets 2022-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Saline Kids Coalition Against Hunger

Pictured is the Rotary Club of Saline crew who participated in the "Kids Coalition Against Hunger" food packaging event at Christ Our King Lutheran Church, Saline, Michigan on February 19, 2022.  Our group helped package 30,000 food packets, each 390 grams to provide sufficient nutrition for 6 adults or 12 children.  They will be distributed locally, internationally and stored for disaster relief!  "Kids Coalition Against Hunger" is a humanitarian food relief organization whose mission is to significantly reduce the number of hungry children in the USA and feed starving children throughout the world.
Rotary Club of Saline Kids Coalition Against Hunger 2022-02-19 05:00:00Z 0
Bottle drive for Ipads Ken Despain 2022-02-11 05:00:00Z 0

Jan 27, 2022  Zoom Meeting

The Rotary Club of Saline hosted Jeff Morris of  Call Your Help Desk  ( who gave an excellent presentation on the many risks of being scammed on the internet.  Jeff's company helps people minimize those risks.
Jan 27, 2022 Zoom Meeting Ken Despain 2022-01-27 05:00:00Z 0
Dave Rhoades inducted as Honorary Member Ken Despain 2022-01-13 05:00:00Z 0
Tablet Project Ken Despain 2021-12-30 05:00:00Z 0

Bell Ringers

May be an image of 2 people and people standing
Janet Dillon and Dave Blough of the Rotary Club of Saline helped with the Salvation Army Bell Ringing in front of Benny's Bakery.
Bell Ringers Ken Despain 2021-12-13 05:00:00Z 0

Mullick Challenge 2021

Thanks to The Mullick Foundation for joining with The Rotary Club of Saline and the Childrens Literacy Network to provide 112 Families and 333 kids with $ 50,00 gift cards, books and household goods at our annual Mullick Challenge project.
Mullick Challenge 2021 Ken Despain 2021-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

Wilderness Park Sign

The Rotary Club of Saline repainted the entrance sign to Wilderness Park in Saline.  Wilderness Park is one of the many lovely parks in and around the City of Saline.  Repainting this sign is one of the community service projects that The Rotary Club of Saline does for the City of Saline.  Rotary Club members pictured here are: left front Todd Lands, past president, Right front Monica Van Overmeer, past president, standing left, John Ambrose, Jim Datson, current president, Janet Dillon, past president, and Ken Despain.
Wilderness Park Sign Ken Despain 2021-12-09 05:00:00Z 0
Tablet Project Ken Despain 2021-11-04 04:00:00Z 0

Pavilion Ribbon Cutting

Saturday, October 9 th, the Rotary Club of Saline had the Ribbon Cutting to open the new Henne Field Rotary Pavilion. 
Pavilion Ribbon Cutting Ken Despain 2021-10-16 04:00:00Z 0

Saline Rotary Club Road Cleanup

Pictured are some of the Rotary Club of Saline crew who picked up litter along a two mile stretch of  Maple Road from Textile Road to Ellsworth Road, one of the gateways to Saline, on October 2, 2021. From left to right are Angi Petraszko, Jim Datson and Janet Dillon.  Not shown are Steve Laatsch and Dave Blough. The club has now completed its third calendar year of clean-ups under the Washtenaw County Road Commission  Adopt-A-Road program!
Saline Rotary Club Road Cleanup Ken Despain 2021-10-03 04:00:00Z 0
Henne Park Pavilion Progress Report Ken Despain 2021-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

Henne Park Pavilion

The Saline Rotary Henne Park Pavilion construction is under way...!
Henne Park Pavilion Ken 2021-09-18 04:00:00Z 0

Presidential Citation

District Governor Brenda "Woo woo" Tipton presented Jim Datson with a Presidential Citation today for accomplishing his goals as president.
Presidential Citation 2021-08-29 04:00:00Z 0

CEEO Brenda "Woo Woo" visit

CEEO Brenda "Woo Woo" (6380 District Governor) visited our club Thursday and presented us with our own Saline Rotary banner.  Thanks Woo Woo..!!
CEEO Brenda "Woo Woo" visit Ken Despain 2021-08-29 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary High School Scholarships

The Rotary Club of Saline presented four one thousand dollar scholarships to four outstanding graduates from Saline High School.
Monica Van Overmeer, past president of the Saline Rotary Club and Steve Laatch, Superintendent of Saline Area Schools presented the awards in the following catagories:
Academic Scholarship – Kandhan Nadarajah
Alwin Gross/Howard Johnson Scholarship – Emily Finkbeiner
Hayden M. Smith Memorial Interact Scholarship – Lauren Booher
Career and Technical Education Scholarship – Annie Rothfuss
Congratulations to these scholarship winners.
Rotary High School Scholarships Ken Despain 2021-07-23 04:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Club of Saline induces two new members 2021-07-16 04:00:00Z 0
Road Cleanup 2021 Ken Despain 2021-05-05 04:00:00Z 0
Henne Field Pavilion Project Ken Despain 2021-03-14 05:00:00Z 0

Trunk or Treat

The Rotary Club of Saline hosted a Trunk or Treat event at the Saline Parks & Rec Center last Saturday.  There were about 100 cars, and each containing between 1 to 6 kids. The event was well received by all who participated.   
Trunk or Treat Ken Despain 2020-10-19 04:00:00Z 0
Bottle Drive 2020-08-20 04:00:00Z 0

Work Party at EHM

A group of Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Saline spent the morning, Saturday June 27, 
spreading gravel in needed areas for the Evangelical Home of Michigan in Saline.
Work Party at EHM Ken Despain 2020-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

Club Meetings Canceled

Due to The COVID-19 situation we have determined that in the best interest of public safety, we will immediately implement the following changes until further notice:
— Postpone Farmers Day
— Cancel all regular Club meetings (Thursdays lunch meetings)
— Cancel all in person Board of Director meetings
— Cancel all in person sub committee meetings
— Regular meetings are being held via Zoom every other Thurdsay at 11:45 am  
Club Meetings Canceled 2020-03-15 04:00:00Z 0

Tantre Farm

Today (Feb 27, 2020) The Saline Rotary heard a presentation by Richard Andres and Deb Lentz of Tantre Farm.  Tantre Farm is a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), which is a way for small farmers to directely market their produce to the community.  The community, in turn, directly supports the local farmers by purchasing a seasonal share of the farm's products.
To learn more about Tantre Farm visit their website by going to:
Tantre Farm Ken Despain 2020-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Mullick Challenge 2019

Thank you to The Mullick Foundation, Saline Rotary and Meijer for leading another year of The Mullick Challenge. Over 200 children and nearly 80 families received books, food, turkeys, toiletries and paper products and $50 per child to shop for holiday gifts!
Mullick Challenge 2019 2019-12-09 05:00:00Z 0
Saline Christmas Parade Ken Despain 2019-12-08 05:00:00Z 0

Saline Rotary Adopt-A-Highway

Saline Rotarians posed by our Adopt a County Road sign on Maple between Textile and Ann Arbor Saline Rds today!

After 3 successful cleanup days this year, we were awarded our sign.
Saline Rotary Adopt-A-Highway Ken Despain 2019-11-09 05:00:00Z 0
Zach Mayrend earns his Eagle Scout Award 2019-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

2018 Mullick Challenge

Members of Saline Rotary Club and Mullick Foundation are pictured at the Meijer store during the 2017 Mullick Challenge event, which provides gift money, children's books and holiday food items for families in need at the holidays.

Click here: to view a video of the event

2018 Mullick Challenge SALINE POST STAFF 2018-12-04 05:00:00Z 0

Save the Bomber Plant

Alison Beatty spoke at the Rotary Club of Saline and gave a great history of the Willow Run Bomber Plant and Rosie the Riveter.
Save the Bomber Plant Ken Despain 2018-11-30 05:00:00Z 0

Retire Line 5

 Terri Wilkerson spoke to the Rotary Club of Saline regarding the hazards associated with a oil pipe line the runs under the Straits of Mackinac.  Her website:  contains a wealth of information on the subject.
Retire Line 5 Ken 2018-11-09 05:00:00Z 0

Derek Locke speaks about Shelter Box

Posted by Tran Longmoore
ShelterBox volunteer Derek Locke is pictured with Todd Lands, President of Saline Rotary.
Derek Locke, a member of the Rotary Club of Dearborn Heights, spoke to Saline Rotary Club members Thursday about ShelterBox, a humanitarian organization that helps displaced people around the world.  According to Locke, originally from Plymouth, England, at any given moment, there are 85 million around the world who are displaced by natural disaster or conflict. ShelterBox and its volunteers provide shelter, tools and support to people working to recover. The organization provides "ShelterBoxes" and "ShelterKits." The boxes contain family-sized tents specially designed to withstand the elements. 
The kits contain tools that people need to start rebuilding their lives. The include ropes, fasteners, heavy-duty tarps, shovels, saws, hammers and other tools. ShelterBox also provides solar lights, mosquito nets, water purification equipment and other important gear. ShelterBox needs volunteers and monetary donations.
Click below to view a video:

Shelter Box

Derek Locke speaks about Shelter Box Tran Longmoore 2017-12-09 05:00:00Z 0

Karen Ragland Paul Harris Fellowship #2

Posted by Tran Longmoore
Saline Rotary Club member Karen Ragland was all smiles after receiving the Paul Harris fellow pin..
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International honored Saline Rotary Club member Karen Ragland for her contributions.
At Thursday's Rotary luncheon at Travis Pointe Country Club, Ragland received the Paul Harris Fellow recognition. It is awarded to those people who donate $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.  It was Ragland's second time receiving the honor.
Ragland, a tireless community volunteer who is currently performing interim duties for Saline Main Street, is owner of Design Hub.
Many notable people are Paul Harris fellows, including U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. astronaut James Lovell, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, and Jonas Salk amoung other.  
Over the last 100 years Rotary Foundation has spent $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.  One of the foundation's main goals is the eradication of polio. For every dollar Rotary commits to the eradication of polio, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation commits $2.
Karen Ragland Paul Harris Fellowship #2 Tran Longmoore 2017-12-09 05:00:00Z 0

Bob Cindric re: Care Village

Bob Cindric spoke to the Rotary Club of Saline about Care Village; a project he is involved in.  Click on the link below for a video about that project:

Care Village





Bob Cindric re: Care Village 2017-12-02 05:00:00Z 0

Salvation Army


The Saline Rotary Club listened to Chris Wood, Washtenaw County coordinator for The Salvation Army, at Thursday’s meeting at Travis Pointe Country Club.

The Salvation Army was founded in 1865 in London by Methodist preacher William Booth and his wife, Catherine. Wood’s ancestor’s, who were jewelers in London, were curious when they watched the group parading down the street in military-style uniforms, playing music and making noise and eventually, they joined the group.

“They believed people could change and become respectable citizens once again. And that they could change the world if you made enough noise and wore the uniforms,” Wood said.

Today, that spirit still exists.

“We feel like we can save the world. We believe addiction can be rehabilitated. We believe someone who made poor choices can turn their life around and start making good, healthy choices,” Wood said.

Salvation Army volunteers in communities across America, dressed in red aprons and often ringing bells, stand in the cold each Christmas season to ask people to donate to their mission. For this task the Salvation Army also employs some part-time employees – many of whom are uses of their services.

In Washtenaw County The Salvation Army operates two shelters and community centers. It provides housing access services which can help keep people from being evicted or get them to a shelter. The thrift stores also support alcohol and drug rehab centers in Monroe, Detroit and Pontiac.

About 80 percent of The Salvation Army’s donations come at Christmas, and the kettles program is still the organization’s top fundraiser.

You’ll find Saline Rotarians at the red kettles in front of Benny’s Bakery on Saturday mornings between Nov. 25 and Dec. 23.

Salvation Army Tran Longmore 2017-11-18 05:00:00Z 0

Saline Rotary Second Annual Cemetery Enactment Tour


Salinians joined Saline Rotary Club volunteers and actors as they stepped back in time at Oakwood Cemetery Saturday.

The annual Oakwood Cemetery Enactment Tour, which raised money for Saline Rotary Club’s benevolent activities, re-animated some of Saline’s most interesting historical figures.

Each of the actors presented biographical vignettes.

The event was attended by local history buffs, members of local government, and citizens who enjoyed interesting stories as they strolled around the cemetery on a sunny autumn day.

The link below will take you to a story published by the Saline Post which has video clips of the event.

Click here: for the story on "Storify"

Click here to tell Rotary how you liked the 2017 Cemetery Tour>>


Saline Rotary Second Annual Cemetery Enactment Tour 2017-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

Steer Club Auction at Saline Community Fare

The Rotary Club of Saline bid on and won a beauty, Reserve Grand Champion. His name is Stanley, he weighed in at 1,411 lbs.
Steer Club Auction at Saline Community Fare 2017-09-01 04:00:00Z 0


Have you ever wondered about who built the big house on Michigan Avenue with the large fenced yard known today as the Davenport-Curtiss Mansion? Do you know who founded Saline and how it happened? Come and hear the stories of the people who settled in Saline and what their lives were like back then.Rotary Club of Saline invites you to discover the answers to these questions and many others. Get to know the people in the 1800’s that formed the basis of Saline today! There will be 13 enactments this year.
City Council Member, Linda TerHaar, commented that the tour last year was informative and fun. Jim Roth, Saline author and historian, thought it was well organized, interesting and the actors in their period clothing did a great job!  If you came last year and enjoyed it, come again to hear new stories of the people that once lived here.
TIME: Saturday, September 30, 2017 2pm-6pm. Sign up for your group time when you purchase your tickets. Rain date is Sunday, October 1st from 2pm-6pm.
PLACE: Oakwood Cemetery at Michigan Ave. and Monroe Street. Walk to the Mausoleum to check in and get with your group. There will be an introduction for each group.
TICKETS: Buy on line at Page/purchase-cemetery-tour-tickets Cost is Adults- $12 or $18 the day of. Children 12 and under are free. Recommended for school age children and above.
TOUR LENGTH: Plan on about an hour. Wear comfortable walking shoes.
PARKING: Free parking at Annie’s Day Care across from Oakwood Cemetery on Monroe Street or street parking is also available.
The Rotary Club of Saline Supports Boy Scout Troop 446 2015-03-05 00:00:00Z 0

David Friese is hosting a Rotary Get Together at his house.

Posted by Kenneth Despain on Sep 04, 2013

           President Dave is hosting a Rotary Get Together at his house

              290 W Bemis Rd., Saline on Saturday, September 14 starting at 6:30pm.          

     Come out and enjoy some good old Rotary fellowship and swap stories with others in the Club.

          RSVP   ASAP  so Dave & Diane  can know how many to expect.  

                Call   734 429 1184   or email

David Friese is hosting a Rotary Get Together at his house. Kenneth Despain 2013-09-05 00:00:00Z 0
Saline Rotary Club Hosts Area Farmers for Annual Luncheon Kenneth Despain 2011-03-25 00:00:00Z 0

Christmas Shopping Spree for Kids

Posted by Kenneth Despain

Saline Rotary's Mullick Challenge (formerly the Fagin Challenge) shopping event was on Saturday December 6. We were able to provide Christmas gifts to 120 kids! Thanks to our partners, the Mullick Foundation and Meijer (Ann Arbor Saline Rd).


Christmas Shopping Spree for Kids Kenneth Despain 0
Saline Rotary helps out at the Michigan International Festival at the Michigan Theater Kenneth Despain 0

The Saline Rotary Club 3rd Annual Rubber Ducky Race

Posted by Kenneth Despain


A Toledo-area woman, Gisela Cane, who made her first visit ever to thee Saline Celtic Festival won $300 in the Saline Rotary Club duck race at Mill Pond Park.

Her duck number 483 was the fastest in the final run of the duck race.  Second place went to duck number 423 winning $200.  Third place went to duck number 222 wining $100.

The Saline Rotary Club 3rd Annual Rubber Ducky Race Kenneth Despain 0
Saline Community Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force presentation at The Rotary Club of Saline Kenneth Despain 0

Farmers Day 2014

Posted by Kenneth Despain



    Great crowd at Saline Rotary Farmer Day! David Mellor from Saline High School Future Farmers of America was the speaker.

Farmers Day 2014 Kenneth Despain 0
Dave Blough becomes a Sustaining Member of the Paul Harris Fellowship Kenneth Despain 0
Todd Lands Joins The Rotary Club of Saline Kenneth Despain 0

Past President Bob Comfort achieves Paul Harris Fellowship

Posted by Kenneth Despain



 Past President Bob Comfort was presented his Paul Harris Fellowship Certificate and Pin by Jill Durnen, Club Administrator, at our Thursday meeting.   A Paul Harris Fellowship is awarded to those Rotarians who have contributed one thousand dollars or more to the Rotary Foundation.   Bob joins several other members of the Rotary Club of Saline that have received Paul Harris Fellowship Awards.  Congratulations to Bob.


Past President Bob Comfort achieves Paul Harris Fellowship Kenneth Despain 0

Fagin Challenge 2013

Posted by Kenneth Despain


The Rotary Club of Saline sponsored its' annual shopping spree for kids at Meijers in Ann Arbor.


Fagin Challenge 2013 Kenneth Despain 0
Michigan International Festival Kenneth Despain 0
Winners of the Rotary Club of Saline Annual Saline Community Fair Steer Raffle Kenneth Despain 0
The Rotary Club of Saline inducted Tiffany Sims in to membership today Aug 22 2013 Kenneth Despain 0

Kelly Hall receives donation from the Rotary Club of Saline

Posted by Kenneth Despain


Kelly Hall of the Saline High School Interact Club receives 

a check for $1000.00 from Rotary Club President David Friese

in support of the Michael Price Memorial Trail project that Kelly

is leading at Saline High School.

Kelly Hall receives donation from the Rotary Club of Saline Kenneth Despain 0
The Rotary Club of Saline awards scholarships to four Saline High School Graduates Kenneth Despain 0

Jack Fagin died the morning of Saturday March 30 th.

Posted by Kenneth Despain


 Sadly, Jack Fagin, long time member of The Rotary Club of Saline and founder of The Fagin Challenge which sponsors Christmas gift shopping for needy children, passed the morning of Saturday, March 30 th.    Services were held at 12:30 pm Wednesday, April 3 rd at Beth Israel Synagogue, 2000 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor. 

Read the Ann Arbor News Obituary  >>  HERE

Jack Fagin died the morning of Saturday March 30 th. Kenneth Despain 0

News paper article from 1952

Posted by Kenneth Despain


Jim Bohnett brought an interesting news paper clipping from 1952.  It is part of his mothers collection.  It shows a group of Saline Rotarians and exchange students who are about to fly in private planes to Mt. Pleasant where the exchange students are to present a program.  Thanks Jim!

News paper article from 1952 Kenneth Despain 0
The Rotary Club of Saline host Annual Farmers Day Luncheon Kenneth Despain 0

Rotary helps Kiwanis raise money at Win Big For Kids

Posted by Kenneth Despain


Members of the Rotary Club of Saline joined with the Kiwanis Club of Saline to help raise money to benefit the children of Saline.  Rumor has it that a Rotarian name Luke (or something like that) went home with a winner.  But, then it is said that everyone that attended went home winners just for having attended. 

Rotary helps Kiwanis raise money at Win Big For Kids Kenneth Despain 0
Smita Nagpal joins The Rotary Club of Saline Kenneth Despain 0
Saline Boy Scout Troop 446 receives support from The Rotary Club of Saline Kenneth Despain 0

The Rotary Club of Saline inductes a new member.

Posted by Kenneth Despain


The Rotary Club of Saline inducted Mark Gieshaber into the club today.   

He will be offering his time and talents to the ideal of "Service Above Self" in Rotary.

Mark was sponsored by Ginger Winter. 

 Welcome Mark. 


The Rotary Club of Saline inductes a new member. Kenneth Despain 0

The Rotary Club of Saline inducts two new members.

Posted by Kenneth Despain

ImageThe Rotary Club of Saline inducted two new members into the club today.   Luke Schmerberg and Jeff Hall both practice law in Saline. 

They will be offering their time and talents to the ideal of "Service Above Self" in Rotary.

Jeff was sponsored by Jill Durnen.  Luke was sponsored by Karen Ragland.

 Welcome to Jeff and Luke. 

The Rotary Club of Saline inducts two new members. Kenneth Despain 0
What would it take to change the world? Kenneth Despain 0

Wear Your Pin EVERY DAY

Posted by Ken Despain
Editor: This story borrowed from Laura Van Steenis of the Ann Arbor North Club

Do you carry Rotary to your vocation? How about a simple way to do this...Do you wear your Rotary pin on your lapel EVERY DAY? Or just on Thursdays and at Rotary events? Think about it: we know you are a Rotarian so wearing it only at Rotary events is kind of redundant. How about if we start wearing our pin every day and see if we can make it a habit. It is the cheapest and most effective PR we have. Be proud to be a Rotarian and take the opportunity to explain Rotary to those you come in contact with every day in your business dealings.
Wear Your Pin EVERY DAY Ken Despain 0